In house air conditioner air freshener spray
Eliminating bacteria, energy saving, deodorizing, safe
Where to use:
Wall air conditioner and floor air conditioner
Eliminating 99.0% pathogen hidden in car air conditioner
Deodorizing through professional deodorizing agent
Natural plant formula; non-toxic, non-harm for your car
Energy saving: save your gas 5%-10% if you often use air freshener spray
How to use:
Turn off the air conditioner and keep room air circulated. Open panel and take out the filter and expose the cooling fin
Rotate nozzle to SPARY, spray evenly on the cooling fin. Suggest volume: 200ml for 2P air conditioner
Wait 15 minutes after cleaning. Start cooling program for around 20-30 minutes. Sewage will be drained out through drainpipe.
Put filter back and close the panel
How often to clean:
Clean car air conditioner every quarter
In the summer, clean air conditioner every 2 months
This product is only used in cleaning home air conditioner. Don’t spray on people. If spray on eyes, rinse with water immediately. Keep your furniture and
Electricity connector protected. Keep away from children and place it under room temperature.
Active ingredients:
Quaternary ammonium, non-ion surfactant activator, Natural essential oil etc.